In-Hogwarts Open Threads

Hufflepuff Common Room

Just enjoying the night [OPEN] by KINDRA PIERCE
Kindra touched the pear to get into the kitchen. It was late and she had to eat something before she had to get to work. When you are going to walk the corridors of Hogwarts, you need the protein! She looked through the cabinets for something delicious to stuff in her mouth. She sniffed on some box with cereals but it seemed that they had been there for quite some time so she continued searching. She found some ice cream in the freezer and a sandwich wrapped in paper in the back of the refrigerator. It doesn't sound like a good combination but Kindra would eat anything to stop the grumbling in her stomach.

As she sat there, eating in totall silence. A portrait looked at her. "Are you going to eat THAT?" the portrait said in disgust.
-Why yes I am! Kindra hissed at the old man in the portrait in front of her. The old man shook his head for answer looking back down at a book he was reading.
Kindra then continued eating her meal, sometimes looking up at the man in the portrait with an annoyed glance. It was very quiet in the kitchen. Every other man or woman in the portraits around her were snoozing or really sleeping. She didn't have time for any sleeping, oh no, she had to keep an eye out for children in the corridors after this. She did like her job because she got to really see every corner of Hogwarts. She always liked walking children back to their dormitories so she could have someone to talk to. The children didn't always respond to the words she was saying because she was a new caretaker after all.

She got to her feet at last, ready to get going on her little stroll. Before she headed out she gave the old man one last glare.


Black Lake

Down By The Lake [Open] by GARRETT MICHAEL STONE
Garrett wasn't used to the idea that someone actually didn't like his guts. The professor that had interfered in a harmless conversation between himself an an older Slytherin student was inconceivable. What was that teacher's problem? He was arrogant and vain and who knew what all else? The problem was that if he stood up to the teacher, he'd cause himself worlds of issues, even if another teacher stepped in and silenced the foolishness of the teacher. Then again, that had happened, resulting in a duel between Professor Avery and the other teacher, Professor Thompson. Professor Thompson seemed like a pretty good bloke, based on the classes he had been to that have been taught by him thus far. Professor Thompson seemed to have the mindset of live and let live. That was probably one of if not the best way to live life. Sighing, Garrett opted to head out from the Gryffindor Common Room and head off to the Black Lake, figuring he needed to just relax.

Dressed in a gray hoodie over a black long-sleeved shirt, blue jeans, and black and gray sneakers, Garrett headed out with a hopeful expression on his face, hope of a day where he didn't deal with that pain in the butt professor. Shaking his head, he made his way out towards the lake, trudging through the snow as he went towards the lake, spotting the rock he normally sat on when he was at the lake during the winter. Was better than getting frostbite on his backside from sitting on the snow. Chuckling, he went and sat down on the rock, staring out at the frozen surface of the lake, his breath visible in the air. He spend some time watching the ice before hearing footsteps crunching through the snow, coming towards him. Turning his head to look, he could tell that it wasn't someone he had really bumped into much if at all, so hopefully this would be a better day after all.

word count: 332 without coding
Notes: It's a peaceful day! XD


New Year Resolutions {Open} by Deleted

Everyone needed to make New Year Resolutions, and Candy especially saw the importance in doing so. She would always get a new diary/notebook at the start of each new year and fill in a list of things that she planned to achieve. The third page was always filled with a list of resolutions for the year, and seeing as this was her final year at school, she had a whole load of resolutions on the page. On the two pages, in fact. 

One of her new resolutions was that she was going to spend more time in the library, and not just help herself, but try to help others, too. She would keep her eyes open for anyone who appeared to be having some sort of difficultly and offer to help, because ultimately, it was all learning for her, too. Explaining something or someone else or such like challenged her own knowledge and understanding of things, and meant that she could work out exactly what she knew and what she needed to know better.

Settling down in the library, Candy pulled a series of books towards her, intending to make a start on some transfiguration revision, but she was distracted, thinking of all the things she had written in her diary that she wanted to do, and wondering exactly how she was going to implement them all.


Out-of-Hogwarts Open Threads

The Ministry of Magic

Just a Day At Work [Open] by MATTHEW SVEN JOHANSON
Matt had woken up that day not really wanting to go to work, but not dreading it either. Work wasn't something he dreaded anyways. It was just a right pain in the arse to get ready for each day. That alone was good enough for him to be right down the middle on his opinion of working. Well, it did pay the bills and then some, so he really didn't complain. Then again, he never felt like complaining anyways. One thing his dad had always taught him was that complaining never paid. That was incentive enough to just work instead of complaining. Of course, there was plenty incentive to work rather than complain, that one just happened to stick out to him. Getting out of bed, he had immediately gone to the shower and cleaned himself up. Getting dressed in a dark gray suit, with a white long sleeved button up shirt, black shoes and a matching belt with a dark gray tie. He had his wand in his right pocket, and he stopped only to fix a couple slices of toast for breakfast, which he ate before grabbing his briefcase and heading out to work.

Arriving at work, he went to where the Aurors had their desks before going to his. He sighed when he saw the stacks of paperwork on his desk, something that he was never really a fan of. He was going to have to get all of that cleared relatively quickly. If anything that would take most of the day, and he did have a field assignment he had to worry about relatively soon. Things were quiet, but there was still some trouble that stirred up on occasion, not to mention the fact that the guy who had once kidnapped his sister and had killed his mother was still on the prowl somewhere. There was talk about this Black Lotus group, but that was relatively small, and it was easily ignorable for him since there had been all sorts of groups that formed, only to be quickly squashed since he had started Hogwarts. Then again, there was always the off chance that this was something major, and his field assignment involved meeting with a contact who had some information on this group. Either way, the paperwork he had to complete came first, and he was starting to sort through that when he was interrupted by someone arriving at his desk.

Word Count: 405 without coding
Notes: Just a starter. I can do better, but my muse wasn't there :P

Open Group/Plot Threads

DADA classroom

Stunning Spell: Stupify(All Students) by SLOAN AVERY
Lesson 1
Sloan walked into the classroom and greeted the young witches & wizards "Hello Students" as he walked past them heading to the front of the class and began to write on the board the lesson that they were to learn today and what he wrote went as follows.
                                                "  STUPIFY "
Stupify is a spell that can be used to stop an attacker dead in there
Tracks and become as stiff as a board,this spell is easily recognized
By the ray of ruby red light that explodes from the tip of your wand
What I want you to do is right a two paragraph example of how you would use "Stupify" to protect yourself from the dangers of being attacked.